
This Navy Life (Being M.I.A.)

Hey Everyone!!!!!  Miss me??  Hehe ... I know I have been M.I.A., but it is all for good reason, I promise!

I am in the military, have been 10.5 years now (yup, going for that good ol' 20 years! Why not get a free paycheck for the rest of my life?) and because of my career responsibilities, I have been in this INTENSE course learning all about equality UNDERNEATH all that surface stuff we see on TV or in history class.

The great Institute to the left (DEOMI) has got me looking at the world sooooooooooooo DIFFERENT!  Understanding perceptions and socialization ... WOW!!! Mind blowing!  By the way, if you haven't realized, I am a lil bit of a nerd, with a side of geek (where all my 4-eyed Super Heroes??!!??).

I also have a bad case of "Squirrel Syndrome" (ask me). 

So back to the topic at hand, I am still here!  Miss hitting you all up!  I hope you are all aware that we sort-of/kind-of have Arkansas as a state we can get married in, as well as, Oregon and Pennsylvania (I actually didn't know those two :/)

Anywho, I will keep you all posted!!!  But please charge my absence to my sched and not my heart!  (((HUGZ)))

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