
NEWS: Rep. Governor Brewer Rejects Arizona's Right-to-Discriminate Senate Bill 1062

On 2.26.14, Republican governor Brewer vetoed Arizona's right-to-discriminate Senate Bill 1062.  She explains the reason for her veto at a press conference.
“Senate bill 1062 does not address a specific or present concern related to religious liberty in Arizona. I’ve not heard one example in Arizona, where business owners’ religious liberty has been violated. The bill is broadly worded and could result in unintended and negative consequences. After weighing all of the arguments, I have vetoed Senate bill 1062 moments ago.”
 Republicans in the Arizona legislator agree that Arizona should allow religious discrimination. This would have allowed businesses to refuse service to anyone based on their own personal religious beliefs.  Such as refusing services to homosexuals. (talk about taking two steps back, its 2014 people)

Republicans that have supported the bill argue that the governor was "bullied" by gay rights groups to reject the bill. (OH REALLY)

Arizona is not the only state that has attempted and failed to pass a bill like this.  Other states are Oklahoma, West Virginia, Oregon, Idaho, South Dakota, Kansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia and Ohio.

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