
Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act. aka "Rape Insurance Act"

I have read, read read; researched, watched videos, to get the full meaning of the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act.

I will paraphrase my research here without the boring details.  The Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act of Michigan was made a law as of 3.12.14.  This law requires women in Michigan to have a rider (additional benefit to an insurance at additional cost) if they want their insurance to cover an abortion, unless the woman's life is at risk.

A woman cannot add this additional benefit after becoming pregnant. If you become pregnant because you were raped by a stranger or family member, and you don't have the rider, your insurance won't cover an abortion.

Women who have individual insurance policies will not be able to get this additional insurance.  Only seven insurers in Michigan are currently offering this additional insurance to members of their employee sponsored plans.

Oh, here is a random detail on this Act: only about 4% of the state's population signed the petition, that created this Act that is now a law.

Right to Life or Rape Insurance.  Call it whatever you want, but this new Michigan law is definitely taking away a woman's right to choose what is best for herself.  Maybe Michigan's next law will be that you need to have special insurance to cover your injuries "IF" you get beat up and injured.

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