
NEWS: "Jesus Would Stone Homos"

How crazy is this?  In Harlem, the ATLAH Worldwide Missionary Church has put up a sign saying that "Jesus would stone homos" and "Stoning is till law."  Such strong hate coming from a place that should be a refuge.  This was their response to changing a message last month directed to President Obama that he "has released the homo demons on the black man. Look out black woman. A white homo may take your man."

Jennifer Louise Lopez, a local lesbian in the area, went to the church for her stoning.  I really don't think they were expecting that. 

(Watch the video on Lopez's Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/jlopez255?fref=ts).)

Lopez has stated to The Huffington Post, "I hope that by going up to the door and presenting myself as the human and the product of Goddess’ {God} creation, churches can begin to understand that us lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are the very same creations that they are.  My Goddess {God} is one of peace, love and inclusion for everyone. As a United Methodist Christian I would love to see that one day soon all of our churches, including any religion, are able to finally stop the discrimination toward LGBT people."

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